Our Projects

Elementary School
Portsmouth, Rhode Island
What started as an idea for a rain garden and outdoor classroom blossomed into a full-scale outdoor learning project.
Thrive Outside partnered with the school to create an outdoor oasis for hands-on learning in all subjects.
The Melville teachers are also engaged in a year-long professional development training in outdoor teaching and learning with Thrive Outside's Education Consultant Kristin Metz.

One of our student designers!

Teachers reflected and shared their ideas for the future Outdoor Learning Zone.

Over the course of this year the Melville teachers will be taking part in outdoor teaching PD with our Education Consultant Kristin Metz.

One of our student designers!
Looking for an opportunity to engage their environmentally-minded students in a hands-on, outdoor learning project, one of the art teachers jumped on an opportunity to receive grant money from the Eastern Rhode Island Conservation District to implement a rain garden.
Thrive Outside worked with the students both to teach them about ecological stormwater design, and to construct the rain garden in the school's central courtyard.
Mt. Hope High School
Bristol, Rhode Island
An enthusiastic 8th grade science teacher who is passionate about the environment and taking kids outside for hands-on learning initiated this project.
Thrive Outside has worked with the principals, teachers and students to design a dynamic, outdoor learning environment for the school.
Next steps will include the implementation of the design, as well as teacher professional development.
Kickemuit Middle School
Warren, Rhode Island

We began our work with the Sustainability Club where students learned about design and how to perform a site analysis.

Students also learned about ecological stormwater design.

After much collaboration, Thrive Outside created a vision for the future KMS Outdoor Learning Zone.

We began our work with the Sustainability Club where students learned about design and how to perform a site analysis.